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Amateur Science Misc.
Amateur Science Organizations |
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"In the matter of physics the first lessons should contain nothing but what is experimental and interesting to see. A pretty experiment is in itself often more valuable than twenty formulae extracted from our minds." - Albert Einstein
Amateur Science WWW Sitesupdated Sept 2009- Coulter Smithing hi-vac, fusion
- MAKE magazine: science room
- Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments (PDF)
- Teralabs: garage physics, x-ray, vacuum, etc.
- Cosmic Rays
- Gizmologist's Lair
- Fun with Ion chambers (geiger-counter-like)
- Tinkerhack vacuum pump
- Reeko's mad sci lab
- Scan in your 3D objects
- Dave Williamson projects (amazing!!)
- Teach yourself Lab Glassblowing
- Dave Boll, fun with sci, math, amateur astron.
- J. Walker's Fourmilab site
- Mike's Electric Stuff , don't missMarinov's Motor
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope STM hobby projects
- Proton magnetometer hobby projects (NMR/MRI)
- Bizarre Stuff You Can Make in Your Kitchen
- Jochen's Hi-volt, x-ray, nuke
- The Last Amateur Scientist
- Home-built turbojet
- Electronics & Spelunking
- Plans, Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube cooler
- UV pulse laser, more info here
- Amateur pulse jets, also a forum
- Steam & Stirling engines
- Microscope Scienceart
- Pulse Jets
- Laser Freak (english/deutch)
- Andy's Xinventions
- Chandra Bose, microwaves in 1897
- Sonoluminescence (non amateur)
- Sam Barros' "Powerlabs"
- Scrapheap Challenge
- C. Johnson inventions and thoughts
- Seismometer via diamagnetic levitation
- Diamagnetic levitator
- Experimental Musical Instruments
- NCEMO, earth magnetism observatory
- L. Berg Homebuilt Turbine Engines
- Farnsworth/Hirch Fusor, desktop fusion?!!
- Chris S. Radiation Detectors
- Bob D's AmSciTech web-zine
- Mark K's edu. projects: how things work
- Fred's World o' Sci, homebuilt linac & cyclotron
- Ed Haas' page, steam & machines
- Don Lancaster's Guru's Lair
- Fun Science Gallery
- Experimenter’s Corner, K3PGP's Ham & Science stuff
- P. Carroll's Life Sci.
- R. Fergus, storm/tornado EM
- J. Hannon, cosmic ray det.
- Homebuilt Lasers
- Jim Lux' page, H.V. & lightning
- CyberWorkshop (Japan)
- Ultraviolet Lamps
- CellAutomata, Physics, Bio, Math Simulations , and free starLOGO language (Macintosh)
- Pulse Jets
- The Belljar vacuum experimenters journal
- Andrew's Science Page
- Amateurs setting kite altitude records
- J. Zikovski amsci page
- X-ray project
- Public Siesmic Net
- Sci. Adventure
- Brian Rich Santa Barbara Science
- NSRC, National Student Research Center, see their student articles
- Kite Aerial Photography
- The X Prize race to orbit
- Leny R's SPARK, BANG, BUZZ, and more
- VLF Radio Home Page
- Micscape Microscopy page
- Mac Science and Ham S/W
- W. U. Young Scientist Program
- Electronics Hobbyist
- Tesla Page, coil project info
- Weird research, anomalous physics
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"Direct experience is best. The man who carries a cat home by the tail gains information that will be useful all his life and will not grow dim in his memory." - Mark Twain
Society for Amateur Scientists (SAS)
Society for Amateur Science Website
SAS Weekly Newsletters
SAS Online Forum
SAS Swap Meet
SAS Physics Demos page
AstronomyBiologyChemistryGeologyNuclearRoboticsRocketry/SpaceVLF Radio | |
Magazines and Newsletters
Other websites for Science Fair stuff
Moved to
Science Club Sci Fair Idea Archive
Moved to
Science Club Kid's Projects
Moved to
Science Club, Other Kid's Projects Sites
Ask Science Questions
Moved to
Science Club, Ask Science Questions
Science Edu. Suppliers/stores
- Edmund Scientific
- Nat. Acadamy Press, online books in GIF
- Arbor Scientific's catalog of cool science demos, toys, etc.
- Discover This science kits
- Explore 4 fun, science toys
- Robodyssey, six-leg walkers, servos, CPUs, etc.
- Hardin, Amateur Telescope Making
- Fuel Cell classroom demonstration
- INSIGHTS Science Videos, also Microscopes
- Science City kits and toys
- Greatscopes Microscopes & Activities
- Sci. and Tech for Amateurs
- Indigo Instruments science supplies
- Cambridge Physics Outlet
- OMSI Science Museum Store
- Project Star (telescope kits, etc.)
- VPW: Free Videos, etc., K-12 teachers only
- Radio Astronomy
- "The Science Fair" science edu. equipment & supplies
- Inexpensive optics kit
- Excellent student microscope (Bill B. recommended)
- See magnetic patterns on disks, videotape
- Amateur Sci Videos (French)
- Pitsco science edu. catalog (cool devices!)
- Fisher Scientific Catalog
- Hands-on science edu. products
- Sycamore Tree catalog, science
- Lynxmotion Robot Kit
- NADA Scientific, cool edu. devices!
- PASCO science ed. supplies
- Rockville Creative Learning
- Carolina Bio Supply, huge edu. equipment supplier
- Mondo-tronics Robot Store
- Sargent-Welch catalog site
- SCITECH science store
- Science Television
Surplus & parts suppliers
Other WWW sites of Amateur interest
Some useful data
Other WWW sites of Amateur interest
Other Sections Here
Updated: Sep 2009
Created and maintained by Bill Beaty. Mail me at: